Airport of destination is Ekaterinburg Hunting season lasts 10 days in late April - early May Price, per hunter Euro 1,250.0 Costs non-hunter (observer) Euro 750.0 Services and shootings included in the price: 7 travel days from / to Ekaterinburg, of which up to 5 morning stalks possible. • Meeting in the airport of Ekaterinburg, assistance during customs and gun control; • Supervision by an interpreter during the entire stay in Russia; • Transfer from airport Ekaterinburg to the hunting area (about 170 km) and back; • Comfortable accommodation during your stay in the hunting area; • Catering during the stay in the area; • Necessary transport during hunting; • Hunting organization with the hunting guide 1 : 1. Capercaillie on the lek in the night, black grouse on the lek from a tent in the morning; • Shooting of 1 capercaillie and 1 black grouse. Chance of success to shoot a capercaillie and a black grouse, is about 100%; • Processing fee and official documentation: official confirmation of application for visa application, local registration procedure including government fees, gun import license, shooting licenses, hunting certificate, veterinary certificates (Russian for export and European for import into the EU), liability insurance for the realization of the tourist product (with the health or travel insurance, or the huntsman's success has nothing to do with it).
OTHER SHOOTINGS AND EXTRA COSTS Euro 300 - trophy fee for second capercaillie; Euro 200 - trophy fee for second black grouse; Euro 150 - repayment in case of non-taking capercaillie Euro 100 - repayment in case of non-taking black grouse Euro 100 - lending weapon, a shotgun including ammunition According to the EU regulation, only the treated game trophies of feathered game can be imported into the EU from third countries; the game trophies must be skinned after they have been shot and salted at least 14 days before removal, so that they are sent to the hunters after the hunt. The resulting costs for skinning, processing and shipping are charged per bird and are as follows: 1 capercaillie - Euro 90.0 / 1 black grouse - Euro 70.0 Euro 500.0 for a parcel up to 23 kg - shipping costs for the trophy de facto - personal expenses, tips, bar, import duties For further questions please contact us by
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