Bear hunting
Tur hunting in Caucasus
Moose hunting
Capercaillie and Black grouse hunting
Lynx hunting
Wolf hunting
Maral hunting
Snow sheep hunting
Siberian roe deer hunting
Marmot hunting
Birds hunting
Wild boar hunt in Tadjikistan
Izubr deer hunting in rut
Marco Polo Argali Hunt in Tadjikistan
Ibex hunting
Driven hunt for roe deer, wild boar and moose
Wolverine hunting
FISHING IN YAKUTIEN Area: on the tributary streams of the Lena River, to the north of Yakutsk, Verhoiansk mountain range. Time: the end of June – the beginning of September. Number of fishers: 4-6 persons per group (the number of fishers can be smaller, the price is calculated specially). Fish: taimen, lenok, pike, river perch, inconnu (white salmon). Transfer to a fishing area from Yakutsk by airplane and/or helicopter. Then the floating or the fishing from the base camp.
Price: from/to Yakutsk 1.650,0 EURO - 6.000,0 EURO depending on number of persons per group, number of days, fishing area.
White salmon fishing (20.06.-10.07.) Transfer to a fishing area by helicopter Price from 5.000,0 EURO – per fisher
More detailed information in addition.